
19 Oct 2014

Find Out What The Drive Team REALLY Thinks Of Chris Harris

Chris Harris, aka Monkey Harris, recently announced several things, mostly that he was leaving projects.  One of these projects is not very happy with the manner of his leaving.

First off he announced the Drive videos weren't making any money and would become subscription only.

Next up was the announcement that he was leaving Pistonheads - cue much brown nosing from the PH community. Pistonheads is a great website with good articles but with a 'vibrant' forum full of opinion.

Then Harris announced he was leaving Drive altogether.  Normally these things aren't talked about outside journo circles (oh, I have some great stories to tell one day) but not this time.

Possibly because Americans are more open than us Brits but the Smoking Tire/Drive team, who regularly record podcasts, decided to openly call Harris' leaving, and manner of leaving, into question.

Listen to the podcast from 19 minutes in.  In it the team talk about how they were informed of this move, by reading about it on Twitter, and go on to say, "I'm pretty fucking annoyed", "...he spent way too much money...", "...Chris really didn't like going from a million views to 20,000 views which really hurt his ego...", "...we now have a mild drought of talent...", "It's pretty fucking shameful..." and "'s a fucking dick move."

Not a happy bunch of bunnies then.

By Matt Hubbard